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Fruit Fly Culture
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Snail Tail Flies

Shipping Terms:


  shipping fruit flies shipping fruit flies


-Snail Tail Inc. guarantees live arrival.  In the rare occurrence of a dead on arrival package, I must be contacted within 24   hours.


-Somebody must be home to accept the package when delivered.  If nobody is there at the time of arrival, all guarantees are void.


-Temps must be between 40F and 90F to ship. 


-Adam Weglarz and Snail Tail Inc. reserve the right to not do business with any individual.


-In the event of a DOA package, credit will be given.  We do not normally give refunds.  Shipping costs are not refundable.


-Proof (pictures) of a DOA package is not normally required, but Snail Tail Inc. reserves the right to request it for any person, at any time.


-We base shipping charges on a flat rate depending on the price of the order.  In the rare event of slight over charging, it may not be refunded.


-Our primary shipping method is USPS Priority mail (2-3 days) for anything living.  Supplies are shipped USPS Ground (3-5 days).  There are, however, a variety of shipping methods to choose from.


-We only ship the the 48 continental states.


-We only ship Monday – Wednesday.  Any orders placed after Wednesday will ship the following Monday.  We try to get all orders out same or next day when possible.



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Buy:  D. Melanogaster | D. Hydei | Culturing Supplies | Already Producing Cultures | Roaches | Mealworms | Superworms
Care:  D. Melanogaster | D. Hydei | Culturing Fruit Flies | Roaches | Mealworms | Superworms
Terms:  Guarantees | Payment Terms | Shipping Terms
Deals:  Specials | FlyBucks | Wholesale | Recurring Orders
More:  About Us | Testimonials | Chameleons | Links | Contact Us 

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Snail Tail Inc. | 631-813-5966 | Adam@STFlies.com
Website designed by Adam Weglarz.
No written or graphic content may be taken from this website without prior permission from Snail Tail Inc.