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Fruit Fly Culture
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Snail Tail Flies

Already Producing Fruit Fly Cultures:


What Separates Snail Tail Flies From The Others...

Here at Snail Tail Flies, we are always getting requests for a fruit fly culture that is already producing.  As you can guess, chameleons hatch before your ready, live bearing fish give birth without warning, you forget to order cultures, etc.  Sometimes people can't wait a week for a fresh culture to start producing.  So, now Snail Tail Flies is attempting to do what no other fruit fly breeder has done before; to sell fruit fly cultures that are already producing.  These are cultures that as soon as you get them, you can start feeding off the flies with no wait.  To try some, order below...



D. Hydei
Product: Quantity: Price:  

Already Producing
D. Hydei Culture


Quantity: 1
($3.97 each)
Already Producing
D. Hydei Cultures

Quantity: 6
($3.83 each)


Already Producing
D. Hydei Cultures

Quantity: 12
($3.75 each)
Already Producing
D. Hydei Cultures

Quantity: 24
($3.50 each)


D. Melanogaster

Product: Quantity: Price:  

Already Producing
D. Melanogaster Culture


Quantity: 1
($3.97 each)
Already Producing
D. Melanogaster Cultures

Quantity: 6
($3.83 each)


Already Producing
D. Melanogaster Cultures

Quantity: 12
($3.75 each)
Already Producing
D. Melanogaster Cultures

Quantity: 24
($3.50 each)







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Buy:  D. Melanogaster | D. Hydei | Culturing Supplies | Already Producing Cultures | Roaches | Mealworms | Superworms
Care:  D. Melanogaster | D. Hydei | Culturing Fruit Flies | Roaches | Mealworms | Superworms
Terms:  Guarantees | Payment Terms | Shipping Terms
Deals:  Specials | FlyBucks | Wholesale | Recurring Orders
More:  About Us | Testimonials | Chameleons | Links | Contact Us 

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Snail Tail Inc. | 631-813-5966 | Adam@STFlies.com
Website designed by Adam Weglarz.
No written or graphic content may be taken from this website without prior permission from Snail Tail Inc.