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Fruit Fly Culture
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Snail Tail Flies

Fruit Fly Culturing Information:


fruit fly culture

Fruit flies are very simple to culture by yourself.  To do this, you will need several things(all of which are sold on our supplies page):


32oz clear deli cups with insect lids

A high quality fruit fly medium

Aspen Fiber



First, follow the instructions on how to make the fruit fly medium straight in the deli cup.  It is very simple:  Just put a ½ cup of the dry mix into the deli cup and then add slightly less than a half cup of water.  Stir, and let set for 5 minutes.  Add a pinch of baker’s yeast on top.  After you complete this, take a small clump of aspen fiber and spread it out with your fingers.  Put this into the cup right above the medium so it is just touching it. 


Then take a culture that is producing flies and tap the flies off the cover and from around top.  Remove cover and tap container on it’s side over new culture so that at least 50 or so flies fall in.  Put cover back on culture, and a new cover on the new one.  Store it at room temperature.  If the culture was D. Melanogaster, it will take about 7 days for it to start producing.  If the culture was D. Hydei, it will take about 10-14 days.   



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