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Snail Tail Flies

Drosophila Melanogastor:



fruit fly culture

      D. Melanogastor is another species of fruit fly we sell.  This species is slightly smaller than D. Hydei, but reproduce quicker.  This species also has a much faster life cycle which only takes 14 days.  This species is also flightless, but they are fast and can climb smooth surfaces. 


      At this point you may begin feeding them to your pet.  To do this, simply tap the bottom of the container on a hard surface several times, just hard enough so all of the flies that were on the top of the container.  Then carefully remove the cover and tap the container on it’s side gently over your pet’s enclosure so that they fall straight in.  They are flightless, but they can climb smooth surfaces.  Be sure to put the lid back on the culture shortly after.




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Snail Tail Inc. | 631-813-5966 | Adam@STFlies.com
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