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Snail Tail Flies




      Unlike many other species, the roaches we sell (BlapticaDubia) cannot climb smooth surfaces, making them ideal for feeder insects.  Once established, a colony will provide you with baby roaches measuring 1/8” and adults measuring nearly 2” (and everything in between).  Roaches are very prolific, are extremely healthy for your pet and don’t smell, making them an excellent feeder insect.


        First get a large Tupperware bin.  I use clear ones that measure 16”W x 24”L x 12”H.  Make sure it is nice and clean before you attempt to put any roaches in it.  On one half of the bin put either paper towel rolls(about 20) or 2 or 3 rows of egg cartons.  Take the plastic cover and cut out all of the plastic so that you just have the rim of it.  Either staple gun or glue on aluminum insect screening to this for ventilation.  Then add the roaches.  The bin should be kept at slightly hotter than room temp.  I keep mine at 85F.


       Feeding the roaches is very simple as they eat almost anything.  Fresh fruits and vegetables are important.  Leafy greens and fruits with high moisture content like oranges are ideal.  Grains and a high quality roach gutload should also be part of their diet.  They should be able to get all the moisture they need from the fruits, so there is no need for water. 


        Cleaning should be done on a bi-weekly basis, removing waste and any dead roaches.  This insect can be used as the staple of their diet.  Cup feeding this insect is the easiest way I have found.



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Snail Tail Inc. | 631-813-5966 | Adam@STFlies.com
Website designed by Adam Weglarz.
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