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Fruit Fly Culture
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fruit fly culture
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Snail Tail Flies

Payment Terms:


  pay for fruit flies pay for fruit flies pay for fruit flies pay for fruit flies pay for fruit flies


What payment methods do we accept?



-Paypal – Paypal is the easiest and quickest way to pay us. 


-Mastercard and Visa – Payment through credit card is also accepted over the phone, and through our website.


-Cash – If you are picking up an order locally, cash is generally accepted.  We only accept guests here on special occasions.


-Postal money orders and cashier’s checks – Yes, we do accept them, but no order ships until they are fully cashed.  This method is reliable, but time consuming. 


 -Prices on website may not reflect shipping expenses; they will be added during checkout.


-Prices on website does not include tax; this will be calculated upon checkout as well.



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Buy:  D. Melanogaster | D. Hydei | Culturing Supplies | Already Producing Cultures | Roaches | Mealworms | Superworms
Care:  D. Melanogaster | D. Hydei | Culturing Fruit Flies | Roaches | Mealworms | Superworms
Terms:  Guarantees | Payment Terms | Shipping Terms
Deals:  Specials | FlyBucks | Wholesale | Recurring Orders
More:  About Us | Testimonials | Chameleons | Links | Contact Us 

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Snail Tail Inc. | 631-813-5966 | Adam@STFlies.com
Website designed by Adam Weglarz.
No written or graphic content may be taken from this website without prior permission from Snail Tail Inc.