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Snail Tail Flies



Here at Snail Tail Flies, nothing is more important than our customer's happiness. To insure this, we have several guarantees:


Cheapest Prices Online:

Snail Tail Flies Guarantees the cheapest prices online when it comes to our 32oz. fruit fly cultures.  If you find somewhere that sells them for cheaper, please contact us and we will gladly match their price.

-Other sale must be on a website.
-Sales on classified ads do not apply.
-Does not apply to special deals or irregular pricing.



Live Arrival:

Snail Tail Flies guarantees that your flies will arrive alive and healthy. If you feel that they haven't, contact us for store credit, a full/partial refund or for your order to be re-shipped. 

-In most cases, we will cover any extra shipping costs. However, Snail Tail Inc. reserves the right to not credit shipping money.
-Please tell us which way you would like to be credited.  We reserve the right to choose, as we see fit, although we will almost always use your preference.



Every Culture Produces 1000's of Flies:

We take pride in our fruit fly cultures.  If you feel that your fruit fly culture did not produce as it should have,please contact us and we will gladly issue store credit, a full/partial refund or re-ship you new ones.

-In most cases, we will cover any extra shipping costs. However, Snail Tail Inc. reserves the right to not credit shipping money.
-Please tell us which way you would like to be credited.  We reserve the right to choose, as we see fit, although we will almost always use your preference.
-Even though it is very rare, since they are already, or about to produce as soon as we ship them, this does not apply to Already producing fruit fly cultures.



Orders Are Shipped Promptly:

Snail Tail Flies guarantees that your order will be shipped on the same, or next day at latest. If we don't, please contact us and we will credit you your shipping money.

-We only ship on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays to ensure your flies arrive safely.
-Orders placed on or after Wednesday may be shipped the following Monday.



Every Ordered Item is Included in Shipment:

Snail Tail Flies guarantees that every item you ordered is included in your shipment.  If we have forgot something, contact us and we will issue store credit, a full/partial refund or re-ship the missing items.

-In most cases, we will cover any extra shipping costs. However, Snail Tail Inc. reserves the right to not credit shipping money.
-Please tell us which way you would like to be credited.  We reserve the right to choose, as we see fit, although we will almost always use your preference.




Nothing means more to us than our customer's happiness.  If you recently contacted us, or placed an order with us, and you feel that something could have been handled better, we would like to know about it.  Please contact us with questions or comments.  Thanks.



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Buy:  D. Melanogaster | D. Hydei | Culturing Supplies | Already Producing Cultures | Roaches | Mealworms | Superworms
Care:  D. Melanogaster | D. Hydei | Culturing Fruit Flies | Roaches | Mealworms | Superworms
Terms:  Guarantees | Payment Terms | Shipping Terms
Deals:  Specials | FlyBucks | Wholesale | Recurring Orders
More:  About Us | Testimonials | Chameleons | Links | Contact Us 

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Snail Tail Inc. | 631-813-5966 | Adam@STFlies.com
Website designed by Adam Weglarz.
No written or graphic content may be taken from this website without prior permission from Snail Tail Inc.