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Fruit Fly Culture
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Snail Tail Flies

Contact Us:


email for fruit flies

Email -  emailing us is one of the easiest ways of contacting us.  Although it gets busy around here sometimes, emails are almost always returned within a 12 hour period, and usually within 2 or 3.

Email Us: Adam@STFlies.com

call for fruit flies


Phone – calling us is an even faster way to contact us.  Between 1pm and 7pm are the best times to call.

Call us: 631.813.5966 

mail for fruit flies


Adam Weglarz

Snail Tail Inc.

1251 Boston Ave.

Bay Shore, NY  11706


***Please note that this is strictly a mailing address.  We are a privately owned business and generally not open to the public.  We often make exceptions and will allow local customers to pick up the orders, BUT YOU MUST CONFIRM THIS FIRST BY CONTACTING US FIRST!***




If you just have a simple question, feel free to fill out the question form below.

We look forward to hearing from you!!


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Buy:  D. Melanogaster | D. Hydei | Culturing Supplies | Already Producing Cultures | Roaches | Mealworms | Superworms
Care:  D. Melanogaster | D. Hydei | Culturing Fruit Flies | Roaches | Mealworms | Superworms
Terms:  Guarantees | Payment Terms | Shipping Terms
Deals:  Specials | FlyBucks | Wholesale | Recurring Orders
More:  About Us | Testimonials | Chameleons | Links | Contact Us 

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Snail Tail Inc. | 631-813-5966 | Adam@STFlies.com
Website designed by Adam Weglarz.
No written or graphic content may be taken from this website without prior permission from Snail Tail Inc.