
Create a border or background

A graphics frame is ideally suited for use as a border or background for its content, because you can change the frame’s stroke and fill independent of the content.

Adding borders to graphics frames

Photo in graphics frame

Frame with stroke applied

Frame enlarged with both stroke and fill applied

  1. Using the Selection tool , click an imported graphic to select its frame.
  2. To enlarge the frame without resizing the graphic, drag any bounding box handle outward. To maintain frame proportions, hold down Shift as you drag.
  3. Use the Swatches panel and the toolbox to apply a stroke and fill color.
  4. Use the Stroke panel to adjust the frame’s stroke weight, style, or alignment.
You can quickly enlarge a frame equally around all sides by using the Transform or Control panel. Select the frame with the Direct Selection tool , set the panel reference point locator  to the center point, and enter new values for the width and height.