If someone is editing a local copy of a master file, Version Cue changes the file’s status to Checked Out or In Use (Acrobat), informs you that the file is already checked out when you try to edit your local project file, and allows you to decide whether or not to continue working with the file.
When finished with the file, both users can save a new version of the file to the Version Cue Server. Version Cue alerts all current users of the file about the presence of a new version in the Version Cue Server and gives them the option of downloading the latest version or continuing their edits.
If another user creates a new version of a file that you have open or that is still marked as Checked Out or In Use (Acrobat), Version Cue prompts you to update your document with the latest version when you open it or attempt to make changes to it, or when you bring the document window frontmost in a group of documents.