
Create and manage projects in Version Cue Server Administration

Note: You can perform this task only if you have access to the full Version Cue feature set. See Accessing Version Cue features.
You can create a new blank Version Cue project, a project from files in a folder on the computer where the Version Cue Server is installed, or a project from a WebDAV or FTP server. Once you’ve created a project, you can edit its properties in the Projects tab at any time.

Create a new Version Cue project

  1. Click the Projects tab in Version Cue Server Administration, and then click New:
    • Click Blank Project to create an empty Version Cue project.

    • Click Import From Folder to create a project that contains files from a folder of files on the hard drive.

    • Click Import From FTP Server or Import From WebDAV Server to import a website or to import files from a folder on an FTP or WebDAV server.

  2. Type a project name in the New Project Name text box.
  3. Specify Version Cue project properties (see the next topic, “Version Cue project properties”).
  4. Click Create (if you’ve created a new blank project) or Next (if you’ve created a project from a folder of files on an FTP or WebDAV server or on your hard drive).
  5. If you chose to import a project from a folder, do the following, and then click Import:
    • If the content you’re importing is a website, select Import Folder As A Website.

    • To specify the folder to import from, click Browse and select a folder.
      Note: Don’t navigate away from Version Cue Server Administration after you click Import. If you navigate away before all files have been imported into the project, Version Cue will create the project, but the project won’t contain all files.
  6. If you chose to import a project from an FTP or WebDAV server, do the following, and then click Import:
    • If the content you’re importing is a website, select Import FTP Directory As A Website or Import WebDAV Directory As A Website.

    • In the FTP Server or WebDAV Server text box, specify the server from which to import files, and type the port number in the Port text box.

    • To specify a folder, click Browse and select a folder.

    • If a user name and password are required to access the server, type them in the User Name and Password boxes.

    • To use a proxy server to connect to the server, select Use Proxy.

    • To use passive mode to connect to the server, select Use Passive Mode.

  7. If you chose to require login for the project, click Assign Permissions and assign permissions to users (see “Assign user permissions”).

Version Cue project properties

Specify these options when creating or editing Version Cue projects in Version Cue Server Administration:

Share This Project With Others
Users can be on your subnet, or they can be given the Version Cue Server IP or DNS address and port number to gain access to the Version Cue Server.

Require Login For This Project
Ensures that only users with a Version Cue user name and password have access to the project.
Note: If you select this option after other users have already accessed the project without being authenticated, those users can still access the project without logging in to it. Make sure that you change their privileges as needed in the project’s list of assigned users.

Enable Lock Protection For This Project
Restricts file versioning to sequential versions. Only the first user to edit an available file in a lock-protected project can check in a version of that file to the Version Cue project. Other users can’t check in a version until the first user saves a version and closes the file or reverts to the project version of the file and closes it—other users must save their changes as completely new files with their own version thread.

Maximize Compatibility With CS2 Applications And Acrobat 8
Creates a project that uses the Version Cue CS2 project structure so that Adobe Creative Suite 2 or Acrobat 8 users can work with Version Cue CS3 projects.

Stores any remarks you type about the project.

Assign user permissions

If you chose to require login when creating a project, you need to assign permissions to users to define their access to the project.

  1. In the Assign Permissions area of Version Cue Server Administration, select the user or the group that contains the users for which you want to assign permissions.
  2. Select Allow or Deny for each permissions category in the Permissions For [User Name] section:
    To allow or deny all permissions, choose Allow or Deny from the Presets menu. To display the effective global and project permissions assigned to a user or group, select the user or group and click Effective Permissions.
    • Read lets the user see files, versions, and file information in the project.

    • Write lets the user create files, versions, and file information in the project.

    • Delete lets the user delete files from the project.

    • Review Initiator lets the user initiate PDF reviews in Version Cue Server Administration (see Start a Version Cue PDF review).

    • Project Administration lets the user administer projects (for example, duplicating, backing up, exporting, and deleting projects).

  3. Click Set Permissions.

Duplicate a Version Cue project

Duplicate a project to start a new project with the same users and privileges. Version Cue duplicates the folder hierarchy within the project structure.

  1. Click the Projects tab in Version Cue Server Administration.
  2. Select the check box next to the project you want to duplicate, and click Duplicate.
  3. In the Duplicate Project page, type a unique name for the project.
  4. Edit project properties, and click Duplicate.

Delete a Version Cue project

  1. Click the Projects tab in Version Cue Server Administration, and do one of the following:
    • To delete one or more projects, select the check box next to each project you want to delete.

    • To delete all listed projects, select the check box next to the Project Name column label.

  2. Click Delete. The Delete Project page appears.
  3. Select User Locks Will Be Ignored to delete the project even if a user has files checked out.
  4. Click Delete.

Export a Version Cue project to your computer or to an FTP or WebDAV server

You can export the most recent version of all project files from the Version Cue Server. Export if you want to move files from one host computer (or server) to another, create a package of the most recent files for output, or simply create an archive of the final versions. Version Cue still manages projects moved between computers.

Note: If you want to move a project, first decide whether to back it up (so that all past versions are also moved) or to export it (so that only the current versions of project files are moved).
  1. Click the Projects tab in Version Cue Server Administration. Select the check box next to the project you want to export, and click Export.
  2. In the Export Project page, choose a protocol by which to export the project.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • If you chose Export Project To Folder in step 2, specify the folder to which you want to export the project.

    • If you chose Export Project To FTP Server or Export Project To WebDAV Server in step 2, specify the server address in the Server Address text box, specify a folder in the Directory text box, and enter a user name and password (if required). To use a proxy server to connect, select Use Proxy. If you are connecting to the server through a firewall, or if you specified a port other than 21, select Use Passive Mode. (This is an option only if you choose FTP in the Protocol menu.)

  4. Click Export.