
Move and copy Version Cue files

Note: You can perform this task only if you have access to the full Version Cue feature set. See Accessing Version Cue features.
Use the Move To or Copy To commands in Bridge to move or copy Version Cue files within a project, among projects, or from a project to a desktop folder. When you copy or move a file, Version Cue copies or moves only the most current version.

Copy Version Cue files

 Do any of the following:
  • Select the file in Bridge and choose Edit > Copy.

  • Right-click the file in Bridge, choose Copy To, and choose a project or folder from the context menu (to specify a folder not listed, choose Folder, select a desktop or project folder, and click OK).

  • Ctrl-drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Mac OS) the files to a different location.

  • Drag the files from one project to another (if you drag the files to a different location in the same project, they are moved).

Move Version Cue files

 Do any of the following:
  • Right-click the file in Bridge, choose Move To, and choose a project or project folder from the context menu (to specify a folder not listed, choose Folder, select a folder, and click OK).
    Note: Bridge moves files if you use the Move To command within the same Version Cue project. If you use the Move To command to move files from one Version Cue project to another or from a Version Cue project to a desktop folder, Bridge copies the files.
  • Drag a file to a different location in the same project (if you drag the files from one project to another, they are copied).