If you didn’t enable automatic user account creation when you turned on the Version Cue Server, you need to create Version Cue user names to let other users access projects on the Version Cue Server. To restrict the Version Cue projects that a user can access, you can require login for the project and assign user names and permissions to that project.
Adobe Flash Player 9 is required to create and manage users in Version Cue Server Administration. When you first create users, Version Cue will prompt you to install Adobe Flash Player 9.
Create users to let them access projects on the Version Cue Server.
None denies the user access to Version Cue Server Administration.
User grants standard access to Version Cue Server Administration. Users with standard access can create new projects (if also granted project creation permissions) and modify projects they have created.
System Administrator grants full access to all tasks in Version Cue Server Administration.
To edit a user, select the user, click Edit, change settings in the Edit [User Name] dialog box, and click Save. To delete a user, select the user, and click Delete.
Create user groups to group users with similar permissions. For example, create a user group named “Designers” to group all users who are contributing artwork to a design project. The default group, Everyone, contains all users in the system.
To change the name of a group, select it, click Edit, and enter a new name in the Groupname box. To delete a group, select it, and click Delete.
You can assign permissions to individual users, or to a group of users. Permissions are different from access levels: Access levels control access to Version Cue Server Administration, while permissions control access to the Version Cue Server, projects, and Version Cue PDF reviews. Note that permissions you assign to users or groups may be overwritten by permissions you assign to users for specific projects.
Enter the server name in the LDAP Server text box.
Enter the server port in the Server Port text box.
Enter the starting point in the LDAP hierarchy for the directory on the LDAP server in the Searchbase text box.
If the LDAP server requires authentication, enter a user name and password in the Username and Password text boxes.
Select Use LDAP With SSL if you want to connect via SSL to an SSL-enabled LDAP server.
Enter LDAP attributes in the User‑Id, Displayname, E‑Mail, Info, and Phone text boxes. Version Cue maps these to the corresponding Version Cue Server attributes.
To specify that the Version Cue Server periodically synchronizes with the LDAP server, select Enable Automatic Synchronization and specify a synchronization period.
To add a set of users to another Version Cue Server, export a list of users and then copy it to the UsersExport folder in the Version Cue application folder of the other computer with a Version Cue Server. You can then use the export list to import users.
The location of the user list appears under the Export Users heading. To import this list into another Version Cue Server, copy this file into the destination server’s Data/UsersExport folder in the Version Cue application folder.