
Log in to Version Cue Server Administration

Note: You can perform this task only if you have access to the full Version Cue feature set. See Accessing Version Cue features.

When you turn on the Version Cue Server for the first time, Version Cue automatically creates a default login name (system) with administrator privileges and asks you to specify a password. The login name and password let you log in to Version Cue Server Administration.

Other users with administrator privileges can also log in to Version Cue Server Administration.

Log in from the Version Cue icon

  1. Do one of the following:
    • (Windows) Right-click the Version Cue icon  in the system tray and choose Server Administration.

    • (Mac OS) Click the Version Cue icon at the top of the screen, and then click Server Administration.

  2. Type your Version Cue login name and password in the text boxes, and click Log In.

Log in from a Version Cue-enabled Creative Suite component

You can also log in to Version Cue Server Administration from Acrobat, Flash, InCopy, InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop.

  1. Choose File > Open, and click Use Adobe Dialog.
  2. Choose Connect To Server from the Tools menu or Connect To from the Project Tools menu (Acrobat), type the IP or DNS address and port of the Version Cue Server you want to administer, and click OK. The default port number is 3703 (50900 if you’re connecting to a Version Cue CS3 server that’s installed on the same system as a Version Cue CS2 workspace).
  3. Choose Edit Properties from the Tools or Project Tools (Acrobat) menu .
  4. Click Server Administration in the Edit Properties dialog box.
  5. Type your Version Cue login name and password in the text boxes, and click Log In.

Log in from a web browser

  1. In a web browser, type the IP or DNS address of the computer on which the Version Cue Server is installed. Precede the address with http:// and follow it with a colon and the default port number, for example, (IP) or (DNS). The default port number is 3703 (50900 if you’re connecting to a Version Cue CS3 server that’s installed on the same system as a Version Cue CS2 workspace).
    Note: If the server is installed locally, type http://localhost:3703.
  2. A browser window displays the Adobe Version Cue Server Administration login page. Type your Version Cue login name and password in the text boxes, and click Log In.