
What’s new in Version Cue CS3

Initial server configuration
When you first start the Version Cue Server (which is turned off by default), the Initial Configuration window in Version Cue Server Administration enables you specify initial server configuration settings.

Improved integration with Adobe Bridge
Use the Inspector in Bridge to display and act on context-sensitive information about Version Cue Servers, projects, and assets. Version Cue options in the Content panel in Bridge let you connect to Version Cue Servers, create Version Cue projects, and work with Version Cue-managed assets.

Faster upload/download and more efficient server storage
Version Cue transfers and stores only the differences between local files and their counterparts on the Version Cue Server.

New users and groups interface
A new interface for managing user access to Version Cue includes the ability to assign permissions based on group membership.

If your workgroup uses LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) directories for user account management, you can set up Version Cue to search for and add users from these directories. Users can then log in to Version Cue using their LDAP credentials.

Enabling SSL (Secure Sockets Layer, a security protocol) in Version Cue Server Administration allows for secure communication between the Version Cue Server and Version Cue-enabled Creative Suite components.

Version Cue SDK
Java™ developers can use the Version Cue CS3 SDK to create plug‑ins that customize workflows or create connections to a DAM (Digital Asset Management) system. The API enables developers to deploy a server-side plug‑in to integrate custom solutions into Creative Suite 3 components and Bridge. For more information, see