
Advanced Version Cue Server Administration tasks

Note: You can perform this task only if you have access to the full Version Cue feature set. See Accessing Version Cue features.
Perform advanced Version Cue Server Administration tasks, such as backing up the server, specifying proxies, and enabling SSL, in the Advanced tab of Version Cue Server Administration.

View Version Cue Server and plug‑in information and log files

You can display the Version Cue Server version, name, Java version, database version, Version Cue URL (IP or DNS address), and WebDAV URL with Version Cue Server Administration.

You can also view the Version Cue Server log file, which tracks all server operations according to the level of detail you specify. Log files are saved in the Logs folder in the Version Cue application folder.

 Click the Advanced tab of Version Cue Server Administration and do any of the following:
  • To view Version Cue Server information, click Server Info.

  • To view information about installed Version Cue plug‑ins, click Plugins Overview.

  • To view the Version Cue Server log file, click Server Log.

  • To specify the log level (Error, Warning, or Info), specify the maximum log size, or reduce the log size by saving it as a compressed file, click Preferences and set these options.

View a Version Cue import or export report

  1. Click the Advanced tab in Version Cue Server Administration, and then click Reports.
  2. Choose the type of report you want to view from the Report menu.
  3. To view available reports from a single project, choose the project name from the Filter By menu. To view available reports from all projects on the Version Cue Server, choose All.
  4. Click the project’s name in the Project Name column to display the report.
  5. To print a copy of the report, click Print View.
  6. To return to the report list, click File List.
    To delete a report, select it in the Report List and click Delete.

Back up the Version Cue Server

You can back up the complete Version Cue Server to move a complete server from one computer to another.

Important: If you restore a backup copy of the Version Cue Server, all current data on the server, including Version Cue projects, files, and versions, is replaced by the backup.

Server backup files are saved to the default Backups folder in the Version Cue application folder.

  1. Click the Advanced tab in Version Cue Server Administration, and then click Back Up Version Cue Data.
  2. To add remarks about the server backup, type them in the Comments text box.
  3. Click Save. After the backup is complete, click OK to view the list of server backups.

Replace a project with a previous backup

To replace current projects on a Version Cue Server with a previous version, you first restore the backup. When you do this, Version Cue Server Administration shuts down.

  1. Click the Advanced tab in Version Cue Server Administration, and then click Administer Backups.
  2. Click the backup you want to restore and then click Restore. The Version Cue Server shuts down. Close the browser. (Notice that the Version Cue icon in the system tray indicates that it’s off .)
  3. Start the Version Cue Server.
  4. Log in to Version Cue Server Administration.

Change the name of the Version Cue Server

  1. Click the Advanced tab in Version Cue Server Administration, and then click Preferences.
  2. Type a name in the Server Name text box.

Specify HTTP and FTP proxies

  1. Click the Advanced tab in Version Cue Server Administration, and then click Preferences.
  2. Specify the default FTP proxy server for users importing projects from or exporting projects to an FTP server.
  3. Specify the default HTTP Proxy server for users importing projects from or exporting projects to a WebDAV server.

Remove file locks from a Version Cue project

Remove file locks to remove the Checked Out or In Use (Acrobat) status of files designated as such. A user with system administrator access or with project-specific Project Administration privileges can remove file locks.

  1. Click the Advanced tab in Version Cue Server Administration, and then click Reset Locks (under Maintenance).
    • Choose a project from the Project Name menu.

    • Choose a user from the User Name menu.

  2. Click Reset Locks to remove the specified file locks.

Delete file versions in a project

Delete file versions to improve performance. Each time you check in a version, it’s stored in the Version Cue Server database. This database creates a file version history that lets you quickly return to any former state of the file. An extensive history takes up disk space and can degrade the performance of the Version Cue Server.

  1. Click the Advanced tab in Version Cue Server Administration, and then click Remove Old Versions.
  2. Choose a project from the Project Name menu.
  3. To delete versions, select Delete All Versions Older Than, and then choose a month, day, and year.
  4. To specify the maximum number of versions to remain in the server after you click Delete, select Number Of Versions To Keep, and then type a number in the text box.
  5. Click Delete.

Grant access to the server without an existing user account

If you select this option, Version Cue creates a new user account without a password when a new user accesses the Version Cue Server.

  1. Click the Advanced tab in Version Cue Server Administration, and then click Preferences.
  2. Select Automatic User Creation to enable users to access the server without an existing user account.

Enable SSL

Enabling Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for the Version Cue Server enables secure communication between the server and Bridge or a Version Cue-enabled Creative Suite component. When you enable SSL, the Version Cue Server sends data over an encrypted connection.
Note: Acrobat 8 and Creative Suite 2 components can’t connect to a Version Cue CS3 Server that uses SSL.
  1. Click the Advanced tab in Version Cue Server Administration, and then click Security Preferences.
    • To enable SSL, select Use SSL.

    • To view the existing SSL certificate, click View The Currently Installed SSL Certificate.

    • To load a custom SSL certificate, click Import A Custom SSL Certificate, select the certificate you want to use, and click Import.

  2. Click Save.

Restart the Version Cue Server

  1. In the Advanced tab of Version Cue Server Administration, click Restart Server.
  2. Click Restart.
    You can also restart the Version Cue Server in Version Cue preferences.