When creating an image for print media, it’s useful to specify image size in terms of the printed dimensions and the image resolution. These two measurements, referred to as the document size, determine the total pixel count and therefore the file size of the image; document size also determines the base size at which an image is placed into another application. You can further manipulate the scale of the printed image using the Print command; however, changes you make using the Print command affect only the printed image, not the document size of the image file.
If you turn on resampling for the image, you can change print dimensions and resolution independently (and change the total number of pixels in the image). If you turn off resampling, you can change either the dimensions or the resolution—Photoshop adjusts the other value automatically to preserve the total pixel count. For the highest print quality, it’s generally best to change the dimensions and resolution first, without resampling. Then resample only as necessary.