
Determine a suggested resolution for an image

If you plan to print your image using a halftone screen, the range of suitable image resolutions depends on the screen frequency of your output device. Photoshop can determine a recommended image resolution based on the screen frequency of your output device.

Note: If your image resolution is more than 2.5 times the screen ruling, an alert message appears when you try to print the image. This means that the image resolution is higher than necessary for the printer. Save a copy of the file, and then reduce the resolution.
  1. Choose Image > Image Size.
  2. Click Auto.
  3. For Screen, enter the screen frequency for the output device. If necessary, choose a different unit of measurement. Note that the screen value is used only to calculate the image resolution, not to set the screen for printing.
    Note: To specify the halftone screen ruling for printing, you must use the Halftone Screens dialog box, accessible through the Print command.
  4. For Quality, select an option:
    Produces a resolution that is the same as the screen frequency (no lower than 72 pixels per inch).

    Produces a resolution 1.5 times the screen frequency.

    Produces a resolution 2 times the screen frequency.