(Photoshop) Choose File > Place, select the file you want to place, and click Place.
(Bridge) Select the file and choose File > Place > In Photoshop.
To reposition the placed art, position the pointer inside the bounding box of the placed artwork and drag, or in the options bar, enter a value for X to specify the distance between the center point of the placed artwork and the left edge of the image. Enter a value for Y to specify the distance between the center point of the placed artwork and the top edge of the image.
To scale the placed art, drag one of the corner handles of the bounding box or enter values for W and H in the options bar. When dragging, hold down the Shift key to constrain proportions.
To rotate the placed art, position the pointer outside
the bounding box (the pointer turns into a curved arrow) and drag,
or enter a value (in degrees) for the Rotation option in
the options bar. The artwork rotates around the center point of
the placed artwork. To adjust the center point, drag it to a new location,
or click a handle on the Center Point icon
the options bar.
To skew the placed art, hold down Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac OS) and drag a side handle of the bounding box.
To warp the placed art, choose Edit > Transform > Warp and then choose a warp from the Warp Style pop‑up menu in the options bar.
If you choose Custom from the Warp Style pop‑up menu, drag the control points, a segment of the bounding box or mesh, or an area within the mesh to warp the image.
Click Commit in
the options bar or press Enter (Windows) or Return (Mac OS)
to commit the placed artwork to a new layer.
Click Cancel in
the options bar, or press Esc to cancel the placement.