A layer’s blending mode determines how its pixels blend with underlying pixels in the image. You can create a variety of special effects using blending modes.
By default, the blending mode of a layer group is Pass Through, which means that the group has no blending properties of its own. When you choose a different blending mode for a group, you effectively change the order in which the image components are put together. All of the layers in the group are put together first. The composite group is then treated as a single image and blended with the rest of the image using the selected blending mode. Thus, if you choose a blending mode other than Pass Through for the group, none of the adjustment layers or layer blending modes inside the group will apply to layers outside the group.
From the Layers palette, choose an option from the Blend Mode pop‑up menu.
Choose Layer > Layer Style > Blending Options, and then choose an option from the Blend Mode pop‑up menu.
For a video on using blending modes, see www.adobe.com/go/vid0012.