Asian OpenType fonts may include a number of features that aren’t available in current PostScript and TrueType fonts. It is usually best to use any weights of KozMinPro and KozGoPro OpenType fonts. These fonts have the largest collection of glyphs of the Asian fonts produced by Adobe.
On an existing type layer, select the characters or type objects to which you want to apply the setting.
Click on the image to create a new type layer.
(Windows) From the Windows Start menu, choose Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Character Map.
(Mac OS) Select the Kotoeri input method by choosing Show Character Palette from the Kotoeri menu.
(Mac OS) From the Input pop-up menu at the right side of the menu bar, choose Show Character Palette.
(Windows) In Character Map, select the Advanced View option, choose All from the Group By menu, and then choose Unicode for Character Set.
(Mac OS) In the Kotoeri Character palette, select Glyph from the View menu.
(Windows) Select the character you want to use, click Select, click Copy, and then paste it in Photoshop.
(Mac OS) Double-click the character you want to use to insert it into your document.