
Edit animation frames

  1. In the Animation palette (in frame animation mode), select one or more frames.
  2. Do any of the following:
    • To edit the content of objects in animation frames, use the Layers palette to modify the layers in the image that affect that frame.

    • To change the position of an object in an animation frame, select the layer containing the object in the Layers palette and drag it to a new position.

      Note: In the Animation palette, you can select and change the position of multiple frames. However, if you drag multiple discontiguous frames, the frames are placed contiguously in the new position.
    • To reverse the order of animation frames, choose Reverse Frames from the Animation palette menu.

      Note: The frames you want to reverse do not have to be contiguous; you can reverse any selected frames.
    • To delete selected frames, select Delete Frame from the Animation palette menu or click the Delete icon , then click Yes to confirm the deletion. You can also drag the selected frame onto the Delete icon.