
Select animation frames

Before you can work with a frame, you must select it as the current frame. The contents of the current frame appear in the document window.

In the Animation palette, the current frame is indicated by a narrow border (inside the shaded selection highlight) around the frame thumbnail. Selected frames are indicated by a shaded highlight around the frame thumbnails.

Select one animation frame

  1. (Photoshop Extended) Make sure the Animation palette is in frame animation mode.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click a frame in the Animation palette.

    • In the Animation palette, click the Selects Next Frame button  to select the next frame in the series as the current frame.

    • In the Animation palette, click the Selects Previous Frame button  to select the previous frame in the series as the current frame.

    • In the Animation palette, click the Selects First Frame button  to select the first frame in the series as the current frame.

Select multiple animation frames

 In the Animation palette (in frame animation mode), do one of the following:
  • To select contiguous multiple frames, Shift-click a second frame. The second frame and all frames between the first and second are added to the selection.

  • To select discontiguous multiple frames, Ctrl‑click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS) additional frames to add those frames to the selection.

  • To select all frames, choose Select All Frames from the Animation palette menu.

  • To deselect a frame in a multiframe selection, Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS) that frame.