
Create unequal column widths

When you have more than one column on a page, the column guides in the middle appear in pairs. When you drag one column guide, the pair moves. The space between the column guides is the gutter value you specified; the pair moves together to maintain that value.

Note: You cannot create unequal column widths for columns in a text frame. Instead, created threaded, side-by-side text frames with different column widths.
  1. Go to the master or spread you want to change.
  2. If column guides are locked, choose View > Grids & Guides > Lock Column Guides to deselect it.
  3. Using the Selection tool , drag a column guide. You can’t drag it past an adjacent column guide or beyond the edge of the page.
Dragging a column guide to create unequal column widths

To create columns with unequal gutters, create evenly spaced ruler guides and then drag individual guides to the desired location. (See Create ruler guides.)