
PageMaker File menu commands

PageMaker command

InDesign equivalent

Additional information

File > New

File > New > Document


File > Open

File > Open


File > Recent Publications

File > Open Recent (Windows®)


File > Close

File > Close


File > Save

File > Save

There is no preference in InDesign to Save Smaller or Save Faster. Use Save to perform a fast save and Save As to compact a document to the smallest possible size.

File > Save As

File > Save As

See note above.

File > Revert

File > Revert

InDesign does not revert to “mini-saved” versions of a document as PageMaker does; instead, InDesign offers unlimited levels of Undo.

File > Place

File > Place


File > Acquire

No equivalent

Scan images using the software that came with your scanner, and then place the images in InDesign.

File > Export

File > Export


File > Links Manager

Window > Links


File > Document Setup

File > Document Setup


File > Printer Styles

File > Print Presets


File > Print

File > Print


File > Preferences > General

Edit > Preferences (Windows) or InDesign > Preferences (Mac OS)

Equivalent settings can be found in Composition, Units & Increments, Guides & Pasteboard, and Display Performance preferences.

File > Preferences > Online

No equivalent

You can drag objects from a web browser to InDesign without configuring a proxy.

File > Preferences > Layout Adjustment

Layout > Layout Adjustment

You specify layout adjustment options and enable layout adjustment at the same time. Settings in InDesign match those in PageMaker almost exactly. Ruler guides follow their associated column or margin guides by default. To change this, deselect Allow Ruler Guides To Move.

File > Preferences > Trapping

Window > Output > Trap Presets

To specify trapping preferences, create a new Trap preset.

File > Exit (Windows) or File > Quit (Mac OS)

File > Exit (Windows) or InDesign > Quit InDesign (Mac OS)