
PageMaker Edit menu commands

PageMaker command

InDesign equivalent

Additional information

Edit > Undo

Edit > Undo

InDesign allows unlimited levels of Undo.

Edit > Cut

Edit > Cut


Edit > Copy

Edit > Copy


Edit > Paste

Edit > Paste

InDesign does not support OLE; however, you can set similar options in the Links panel.

Edit > Clear

Edit > Clear


Edit > Select All

Edit > Select All


Edit > Deselect All

Edit > Deselect All


Edit > Editions (Mac OS)

No equivalent

InDesign does not support Publish/Subscribe; however, you can set similar options in the Links panel.

Edit > Paste Multiple

Edit > Step And Repeat


Edit > Paste Special

Edit > Paste Without Formatting


Edit > Insert Object (Windows)

File > Place


Edit > Edit Story

Edit > Edit In Story Editor


Edit > Edit Original

Edit > Edit Original

You can also choose Edit Original in the Links panel menu.

Edit > Show Clipboard (Mac OS)

No equivalent