Dictionary preferences to specify how InDesign handles
hyphenation and spelling dictionaries. Most languages in InDesign use Proximity
dictionaries to verify spelling and to hyphenate words. If you have installed
hyphenation or spelling components from a different company, you
can select a different vendor for each installed language.
Note: The
Dictionary Preferences dialog box does not enable you to specify
the language dictionary used for spell checking or hyphenating text.
This dialog box is used to specify which hyphenation and spelling
plug‑ins InDesign uses for the language
specified in the Language field. If you use only the default hyphenation and
spelling plug‑in, you don't need to change any settings in the Dictionary
Preferences dialog box. If you install a different spelling or hyphenation
plug‑in provided by a third-party developer, it appears as an option
in the Hyphenation Vendor and Spelling Vendor menus in this dialog
box. This would let you select one vendor's hyphenation or spelling
engine for some languages and another vendor's hyphenation or spelling
engine for other languages.