

Create or add user dictionaries

You can create a user dictionary, or you can add user dictionaries from previous InDesign or InCopy versions, from files that others have sent you, or from a server where your workgroup’s user dictionary is stored. The dictionary you add is used for all your InDesign documents.

Note: You cannot associate user dictionaries with languages that do not use Proximity dictionaries. These languages include Czech, Greek, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, and Slovak.
  1. Choose Edit > Preferences > Dictionary (Windows) or InDesign  > Preferences > Dictionary (Mac OS).
  2. From the Language menu, choose the language with which you want to associate the dictionary.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • To create a new dictionary, click the New User Dictionary icon  below the Language menu. Specify the name and location of the user dictionary (which includes a .udc extension), and then click Save.

    • To add an existing dictionary, click the Add User Dictionary icon , select the user dictionary file, which includes a .udc or .not extension, and then click Open.

Note: If you can’t find the dictionary file, you might want to use your system Find command to locate the .udc files (try using *.udc), note the location, and then try again.

The dictionary is added to the list under the Language menu. You can add words to the dictionary using the Dictionary dialog box.