
Edit mixed ink swatches

You modify a mixed ink swatch using the same methods used to edit other swatches. As you edit a mixed ink swatch or group, be aware of the following:

  • If you use the Swatches panel to delete an ink that is used in a mixed ink swatch, InDesign prompts you for a replacement. A mixed ink must contain at least one spot color, or it will be converted to a process color.

  • Changes you make to the parent  of a mixed ink group apply to all mixed inks in that group. (Changes you make to a swatch in a mixed ink group apply to that swatch only.)

  • Converting a mixed ink to a process or spot color removes its association with its mixed ink group.

  • Deleting the parent of a mixed ink group deletes all swatches in the group.

  1. In the Swatches panel, double-click the parent  of the mixed ink group you want to change.
  2. Do any of the following:
    • Select a new ink to replace an existing component ink.

    • Click the box next to an ink to exclude or include it as a component of the mixed ink group.

      Note: You cannot change the initial percentages, repeats, or increments used to create the mixed ink group.
  3. Click OK.