
Manage mixed ink groups

Use the Swatches panel to delete mixed ink groups, add swatches, and convert mixed ink swatches to process colors.

Delete mixed ink groups

  In the Swatches panel, select the parent of the mixed ink group you want to delete, and click the Delete button.

Add a swatch to a mixed ink group

  1. In the Swatches panel, select the parent of the mixed ink group.
  2. Choose New Color Swatch from the panel menu.
  3. Specify a name for the swatch, if desired.
  4. For each ink listed, specify the percentage you want in the mixed ink swatch. (You cannot add or delete inks.)
  5. Click OK.

Convert a single mixed ink swatch to a process color

You can convert mixed inks to process colors to reduce printing costs. When you convert the parent of a mixed ink group to process, the parent swatch disappears, and the other swatches in the mixed ink group are converted to process colors.

  1. Double-click the mixed ink swatch you want to convert.
  2. For Color Type, select Process, and then click OK.

Convert all inks in a mixed ink group to process

  Double-click the parent  of the mixed ink group, and select Convert Mixed Ink Swatches To Process in the dialog box that appears.