

Receive packages (InCopy)

You may receive a package from an InDesign user who created the package or from an InCopy user who forwarded the package to you. When you open an assignment package, the package is decompressed, and the contents are copied to a new subfolder in an InCopy Assignments folder.

Open a package (InCopy)

 To open an InCopy package (*.incp), do any of the following:
  • Launch the package using the e-mail application. For example, double-click the attachment file.

  • Use Explorer or Finder to open the file. For example, double-click the file or drag it to the InCopy application icon.

  • In InCopy, choose File > Open, and double-click the packaged assignment file.

  • In InCopy, choose Open Package from the Assignments panel menu, and then double-click the package file.

You can now edit the stories in the package. When you begin editing a story, you’re prompted to check out the contents of the frame. When you’ve finished editing, save all content and return or forward the package.

Return or forward a package (InCopy)

After you open and edit a package, you can send it to another InCopy user or you can return it to the InDesign user who created the package. Package files created for other InCopy users include the .incp extension; return package files created for InDesign users include the .indp extension.

  1. Edit and check in the content you want to include in the package.
  2. From the Assignments panel menu, choose one of the following:
    Forward For InCopy
    Create a package for another InCopy user. Specify the name and location of the package file, and then make it available to the InCopy user.

    Forward For InCopy And Email
    Create and send a package for another InCopy user via e-mail. The package appears as an attachment in a new message in your default e-mail application. Specify the recipient, provide instructions, and send the e-mail message.

    Return For InDesign
    Create a package to return to the InDesign user.

    Return For InDesign And Email
    Create and return a package to the Indesign user by e-mail. The package appears as an attachment in a new message in your default e-mail application. Specify the recipient, provide instructions, and send the e-mail message.