To save the InCopy file under the same name and location on the file system, choose File > Save Content. The file is still checked out to you.
To save the InCopy content file under a new name, choose File > Save Content As. The newly created content file is not managed in the workflow. The Save Content As command is available only if you have opened the InCopy content file (.incx) directly.
To save a copy of the currently active InCopy content file, choose File > Save Content Copy. You can choose to give the copy a new name and location. The saved copy is not managed in the workflow. The Save Content Copy command is available only if you have opened the InCopy content file (.incx) directly.
To save all currently open and checked-out InCopy content files, choose File > Save All Content. This saves all files to their current locations. The Save All Content command is available only if you have opened an assignment or InDesign file.