

Glyphs panel overview

Enter glyphs by way of the Glyphs panel. The panel initially shows glyphs in the font where the cursor is located, but you can view a different font, view a type style in the font (for example, Light, Regular, or Bold), and make the panel display a subset of glyphs in the font (for example, math symbols, numbers, or punctuation symbols).

Glyphs panel

Show subset of glyphs

Tool tip

Font list

Font style

By moving the pointer over a glyph, you can read its CID/GID value, Unicode value, and name in a tool tip.

Open the Glyphs panel

 Choose Type > Glyphs or Window> Type & Tables > Glyphs.

Change the Glyphs panel view

  • Click the cycle widget (it’s located to the left of the word “Glyphs” on the Glyphs panel) to change views of the panel. Clicking the widget presents these views in succession: the collapsed panel, the entire panel, and the panel without recently used glyphs.
  • Click the Zoom In or Zoom Out buttons in the lower right corner of the Glyphs panel.
  • Resize the Glyphs panel by dragging the lower right corner.

Filter the glyphs that appear

 Do one of the following on the Show list to determine which glyphs appear on the Glyphs panel:
  • Choose Entire Font to display all glyphs available in the font.

  • Choose an option below Entire Font to narrow the list to a subset of glyphs. For example, Punctuation displays only punctuation glyphs; Math Symbols narrows the choices to mathematical symbols.

Sort glyphs in the Glyphs panel

 Choose By CID / GID or By Unicode to determine how glyphs are sorted in the Glyphs panel.