On the Effects panel, double-click the FX icon. (You may need to click the triangle next to the word Object to display the FX icon.)
Select the level with the effect you want to edit,
click the FX button in
the Effects panel, and choose the name of an effect.
To copy effects between objects, select
the object with the effect you want to copy, select the object’s
FX icon in
the Effects panel, and drag the FX icon to the other object. You
can drag and drop effects between objects only to and from the same
To copy effects between objects selectively, use
the Eyedropper tool . To control
which transparency stroke, fill, and object settings are copied
with the Eyedropper tool, double-click the tool to open the Eyedropper
Options dialog box. Then select or deselect options in the Stroke
Settings, Fill Settings, and Object Settings areas.
To copy effects from one level to another in the same object, Alt-drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Mac OS) the FX icon from one level to another (Stroke, Fill, or Text) on the Effects panel.
To clear all effects from an object as
well as change the blending mode to Normal and the Opacity setting
to 100%, click the Clear All Effects button in
the Effects panel or choose Clear All Transparency on the Effect
panel menu.
To clear all effects but maintain the blending and
opacity settings, select a level and choose Clear Effects on the
Effects panel menu or drag the FX icon from
the Stroke, Fill, or Text level in the Effects panel to the Trash
To remove an individual effect from an object, open the Effects dialog box and deselect a Transparency effect.