Click where you want the arc to begin. In the dialog
box, click a square on the reference point locator

determine the point from which the arc is drawn. Then set any of
the following options, and click OK.
- Length X‑Axis
Specifies the
width of the arc.
- Length Y‑Axis
Specifies the height of the arc.
- Type
Specifies whether you want the object to be an open path
or a closed path.
- Base Along
Specifies the direction of the arc. Choose X Axis or Y Axis depending
on whether you want to draw the base of the arc along the horizontal (x)
axis or vertical (y) axis.
- Slope
Specifies the direction of the arc’s slope. Enter a negative
value for a concave (inward) slope. Enter a positive value for a
convex (outward) slope. A slope of 0 creates a straight line.
- Fill Arc
Fills the arc with the current fill color.
Note: To
see a dynamic preview of the arc as you set options, double-click
the arc tool in the Tools panel.