
Drawing tool gallery

Illustrator provides the following drawing tools:

The Pen tool (P) draws straight and curved lines to create objects.

The Add Anchor Point tool (+) adds anchor points to paths.

The Delete Anchor Point tool (-) deletes anchor points from paths.

The Convert Anchor Point tool (Shift+C) changes smooth points to corner points and vice versa.

The Line Segment tool (\) draws individual straight line segments.

The Arc tool draws individual concave or convex curve segments.

The Spiral tool draws clockwise and counterclockwise spirals.

The Rectangular Grid tool draws rectangular grids.

The Polar Grid tool draws circular chart grids.

The Rectangle tool (M) draws squares and rectangles.

The Rounded Rectangle tool draws squares and rectangles with rounded corners.

The Ellipse tool (L) draws circles and ovals.

The Polygon tool draws regular, multi-sided shapes.

The Star tool draws stars.

The Flare tool creates lens-flare or solar-flare-like effects.

The Pencil tool (N) draws and edits freehand lines.

The Smooth tool smooths Bezier paths.

The Path Eraser tool erases paths and anchor points from the object.