After you plan your site structure, you set up (define) a site in Dreamweaver. You should also define a site in order to edit a website that wasn’t created in Dreamweaver. Setting up a Dreamweaver site is a way to organize all of the documents associated with a website.
The local root folder is your working directory for your DW site. This folder can be on your local computer or on a network server.
If you want to start editing files on your computer (without publishing them), set up only a local folder, and then add remote and testing information later.
You can use Dreamweaver to edit an existing website on your local disk or to edit a remote site (or a branch of a remote site), even if you didn’t use Dreamweaver to create the original site.
If you choose to set the local root folder options directly instead of by using the Basic tab of the Site Definition dialog box, click the Advanced tab and enter the information.
Changing this setting does not convert the path of existing links; the setting will only apply to new links you create visually with Dreamweaver.
Content linked with a site root-relative path does not appear when you preview documents in a local browser unless you specify a testing server, or select the Preview Using Temporary File option in Edit > Preferences > Preview In Browser. This is because browsers don’t recognize site roots—servers do.