This folder is where you store files for production, collaboration, deployment, or a number of other scenarios. Typically, the remote folder is on the computer where your web server is running. You can set options for this folder by answering the wizard questions in the Basic tab or by clicking the Advanced tab and entering the information directly.
In the Dreamweaver Files panel, the remote folder is referred to as your remote site. When you set up a remote folder, you must select an access method for Dreamweaver to upload and download files to your web server.
For a tutorial on setting up a remote folder, see
To connect, click Connects to Remote Host in the toolbar.
To disconnect, click Disconnect in the toolbar.
Enter the name of the host computer where your web server is installed.
The host name is probably an IP address or a URL. If you are unsure, ask your administrator.
Enter the port number that you connect to.
Enter your root remote folder as the host directory.
For example, c:\inetpub\wwwroot\myHostDir\.
Enter your RDS user name and password.
Select Save if you want Dreamweaver to remember your settings.
For the Database Path, click Browse to browse for the Visual SourceSafe database you want, or enter the full file path.
The file you select becomes the srcsafe.ini file used to initialize Visual SourceSafe.
For Project, enter the project within the Visual SourceSafe database you want to use as the remote site’s root directory.
For Username and Password, enter your login user name and password for the selected database.
If you don’t know your user name and password, check with your system administrator.
Select the Save option if you want Dreamweaver to remember your settings.