image placeholder is a graphic you use until final artwork is ready
to be added to a web page. You can set the placeholder’s size and
color, as well as provide it with a text label.
In the Document window, place the insertion point
where you want to insert a placeholder graphic.
For Name (Optional), enter text you want to appear as
a label for the image placeholder. Leave the text box blank if you
do not want a label to appear. The name must begin with a letter
and can contain only letters and numbers; spaces and high ASCII
characters are not allowed.
For Width and Height (Required), type a number to set
the image size in pixels.
For Color (Optional), do one of the following to apply
a color:
Use the color picker to select a color.
Enter the color’s hexadecimal value (for example,
Enter a web-safe color name (for example, red).
For Alternate Text (Optional), enter text to describe
the image for viewers using a text-only browser.
Note: An image tag is automatically inserted into the HTML
code containing an empty src attribute.
Click OK.
The placeholder’s color, size attributes, and label appear
as follows:
When viewed
in a browser, the label and size text do not appear.