

Working with Photoshop and Dreamweaver

If you use Photoshop to create images, you can use Dreamweaver to optimize your images for the web and insert them in web pages. You can also select slices or layers in a Photoshop image, and then use Dreamweaver to insert them as images in web pages. After inserting these images in web pages, you can still edit the source files in Photoshop and update the corresponding web images in Dreamweaver.

Use the following workflow to insert an image created in Photoshop into a web page:

  • In Photoshop, save your image as a regular Photoshop file (PSD). You don't have to convert the image to JPEG, GIF, or PNG first.

  • In Dreamweaver, select the PSD file and insert it into the web page. Dreamweaver lets you optimize the image for the web, and then inserts it in the page.

Use the following workflow for using a slice or layer in a Photoshop image as an image in a web page:

  • In Photoshop, select and copy the slice or layer to the Clipboard.

  • In Dreamweaver, paste the slice or layer into the web page. Dreamweaver lets you optimize the image for the web, and then inserts it in the page.

Use the following workflow for updating web images originally created in Photoshop:

  • In Dreamweaver, select the JPEG, GIF, or PNG file that you derived from a PSD file and inserted with Dreamweaver, and then click the edit image button. Dreamweaver opens the source PSD file in Photoshop.

  • In Photoshop, make your changes to the source PSD file and save the file. Then select all or part of the image and copy it on the Clipboard.

  • In Dreamweaver, paste the image over the web image in the page. Dreamweaver optimizes the PSD image on the Clipboard using the original optimization settings, and then replaces the image on the page with the updated version.

For a video tutorial on working with Photoshop and Dreamweaver, see www.adobe.com/go/vid0200.