After you place Photoshop images in your Dreamweaver pages, you can edit, in Photoshop, either the original PSD source image or the web-ready JPEG, GIF, or PNG file that was displayed in the page. If you make changes to the web-ready version of the file, the source PSD file is not updated and the two versions will diverge. It is recommended that you make your edits to the source PSD file to maintain single sourcing.
Click the Edit button in the image’s Property inspector.
Press Control (Windows) or Command (Macintosh) as you double-click the file.
Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) an image, choose Edit Source With from the context menu, and then choose Photoshop.
Reinsert the file and redefine optimization settings.
Paste the image or selection into your page. Dreamweaver uses your existing optimization settings
To reoptimize, click the Optimize button in the Property inspector to open the Image Preview dialog box. If the image was created in Photoshop, the Photoshop image is reimported and you can reapply optimization settings to it. If there is no Photoshop PSD file associated with the image, the web-ready image is displayed.
To add a new file type, click the plus (+) above the left-hand panel.
To add or change the external editor for a file type, select that type in the left-hand panel and click the plus (+) above the right-hand panel. This puts you into the Select External Editor file locator dialog box.
Press Alt (Windows) or Option (Macintosh) as you double-click the file.
Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) the selected image, choose Edit With > Browse from the context menu, and then locate the Photoshop application file.
Select Modify > Image > Photoshop.
You can perform minor editing of your web-ready images, such as cropping or reoptimizing, with the Dreamweaver image-editing tools in the image’s Property inspector or by using the Modify > Image menu commands. The source PSD file is not updated with these actions, only the web-ready image.