
Change image or video alignment

Alignment sets the position of an image or video file when it appears on a mobile device. Alignment can be important for an image or video file that does not fill the addressable screen size.

  1. Open the Emulator tab by doing one of the following:
    • From Adobe Device Central, select File > Open, navigate to an image file, and double-click the file.

    • In Photoshop or Illustrator, open a file. Select Save for Web and Devices and click Device Central.

    • In Adobe Premiere Pro or After Effects, open a file. Select File > Export > Adobe Media Encoder. Select H.264 from the Format drop-down menu, check Open in Device Central, and click OK.

  2. On the Adobe Device Central Emulator tab, expand the Alignment panel.
  3. Click a horizontal and a vertical alignment button.
    Note: Scaling and alignment changes are saved until a device is reloaded. Whenever you reload a device (by double-clicking it), the device returns to the default alignment and scaling settings defined in the profile.