
Change or scale image or video file

The Emulator tab either scales or crops the content to fit on the device, according to the information in the device profile.

  1. Open the Emulator tab by doing one of the following:
    • From Adobe Device Central, select File > Open, navigate to an image file, and double-click the file.

    • In Photoshop or Illustrator, open a file. Select Save For Web And Devices and click Device Central.

    • In Adobe Premiere Pro or After Effects, open a file. Select File > Export > Adobe Media Encoder. Select H.264 from the Format drop-down menu, check Open in Device Central, and click OK.

  2. On the Adobe Device Central Emulator tab, expand the Scaling panel.
  3. To test different scaling behaviors, change the following options as necessary:
Use Original Size
Emulates the image in original size.

Stretch to Screen
Resizes the content unproportionally to fit the addressable screen size.

Fit Proportionally
Resizes the content proportionally to fit the addressable screen. Select one of the buttons: Fit Width And Height, Fit Width, or Fit Height.

Scale To
Move the Scale To slider bar to the left (to scale down) or to the right (to scale up).

Fullscreen Mode
(For video content only) Emulates switching the device to Fullscreen mode. For video playback, many mobile devices offer a full-screen setting to enable devices with portrait orientation to better display video files with a landscape orientation. Selecting the Fullscreen Mode option rotates the video 90 degrees in either a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction. (Direction information comes from the device profile and might differ between devices.) To rotate the device, click the Rotate buttons at the bottom of the Emulator tab.
Note: In Adobe Device Central, the Fullscreen option is only available for devices that support full-screen mode.