The File Info dialog box displays camera data, other file properties, an edit history, copyright and authorship information (if any), and custom metadata panels (if the application has installed them). You can add metadata directly from the File Info dialog box. If you select multiple files, the dialog box shows where different values exist for a text field. Any information you add to a field is applied to all selected files.
Click Save to export the metadata to a text file (with the .xmp filename extension).
Click Replace to replace the metadata in the existing files with metadata saved in an XMP file. Values in existing properties are replaced with the new values.
Click Append to add the metadata in the existing files to metadata saved in an XMP file. Values in existing properties are not replaced, and new values are appended or inserted where appropriate. (Append isn’t available if you’ve selected multiple files.)
Click Delete to remove the currently selected Advanced property. You can Shift-click to select multiple properties.