
About Version Cue projects

Version Cue projects are stored on Version Cue Servers. Projects store the master copies of files added to the project, as well as file versions and other file data, such as comments and version dates. When the Version Cue Server is specified to be visible and projects are shared, multiple users can access projects, which can contain both Adobe and non-Adobe files.

When you first open a Version Cue project, Version Cue creates a folder named Version Cue in the My Documents (Windows) or Documents (Mac OS) folder, and adds a project folder to the Version Cue folder. Version Cue also creates a shortcut to the project that appears in Bridge and in the Adobe dialog box after you click the Version Cue favorite icon.

You can create and administer projects only if you’ve been assigned appropriate permissions in Version Cue Server Administration.

Note: If you use an Adobe Creative Suite 2 component or Acrobat 8, you won’t be able to see Version Cue CS3 projects in the Adobe dialog box or in Bridge unless the project is specified to be backward compatible with Adobe Creative Suite 2 and Acrobat 8. In addition, Creative Suite 2 components and Acrobat 8 can’t connect to a Version Cue CS3 Server that uses SSL.