
Unable to connect to the Version Cue CS3 Server

Try any of the following:
  • Make sure that your network connection is functioning properly.

  • If you’re trying to connect to the server from Acrobat 8 or from a Version Cue-enabled Adobe Creative Suite 2 component, make sure that you haven’t enabled SSL for the server. In addition, Acrobat 8 and Adobe Creative Suite 2 components can’t connect to Version Cue CS3 Servers installed on the same computer (that is, a local Version Cue CS3 Server).

  • Try to connect to the server from a different Version Cue-enabled Creative Suite component.

  • Temporarily disable firewalls or proxies.

  • Restart the server (see Shut down or restart the Version Cue Server).

  • Consult the server log file for details that may indicate the cause of the problem. You can access the log file from the Advanced tab of Version Cue Server Administration (see Advanced Version Cue Server Administration tasks).