
Set Version Cue Server preferences

You can configure many Version Cue Server settings in Version Cue preferences, such as the amount of RAM available to Version Cue and the location of the Data folder. To configure advanced settings, such as enabling SSL, changing the name of the Version Cue Server, specifying server log options, resetting user locks, or backing up the server, you must use Version Cue Server Administration.

Access Version Cue Server preferences

  1. Do one of the following to access Version Cue preferences:
    • Open the Control Panel and double-click Adobe Version Cue CS3 (Windows) or click Adobe Version Cue CS3 in System Preferences (Mac OS).

    • In Windows, double-click the Version Cue icon  in the system tray at the lower-right of the screen.

    • In Mac OS, click the Version Cue icon  in the menu bar at the top of the screen, and choose Version Cue CS3 Preferences from the menu.
      Note: The Version Cue icon is hidden by default. To make it visible, select Show Version Cue CS3 Tray Icon (Windows) or Show Version Cue CS3 Status In Menu Bar (Mac OS) in Version Cue Server preferences.
  2. Click the Settings tab in the Adobe Version Cue CS3 dialog box.

Make the Version Cue Server visible

  1. To grant others access to shared Version Cue projects on the server, choose Visible To Others from the Server Visibility menu. To hide the Version Cue Server from other users, choose Private.
    Note: If Version Cue is installed on a Windows computer that uses a firewall and you want to share the server with others, make sure that TCP ports 3703 and 5353 are left open. If you've enabled SSL for the Version Cue Server, also leave port 3704 open. If Version Cue CS2 is installed on the same computer, also leave port 50900 open (and 50901 if you’ve enabled SSL). For instructions, see Windows Help.
  2. Click Apply.

Specify a workgroup size

  1. From the Workgroup Size menu, choose the number of people who use the Version Cue Server on a typical day. This setting controls how the Version Cue Server handles the potential load.
  2. Click Apply.

Specify RAM

The default amount of allocated RAM (128 MB) is sufficient for workgroups of fewer than 10 people and projects with fewer than 1000 assets. Allocate at least 256 MB of RAM for larger workgroups and projects with up to 1000 assets. Allocate at least 512 MB of RAM if you work with more than 1000 assets per project or more than 50 projects, regardless of workgroup size.

  1. In the Memory Usage text box, enter the amount of RAM that you want to make available to Version Cue (the default is 128 MB).
  2. Click Apply.

Keep the Version Cue icon visible

  1. Select Show Version Cue CS3 Tray Icon (Windows) or Show Version Cue CS3 Status in Menu Bar (Mac OS) to keep the Version Cue icon visible.
  2. Click Apply.

Turn Version Cue on when the computer starts

  1. Select Turn Version Cue CS3 On When The Computer Starts.
  2. Click Apply.