
Using Creative Suite 2 components and Acrobat 8 with Version Cue CS3

You can use Adobe Creative Suite 2 components and Acrobat 8 with the Version Cue CS3 Server; however, there are some differences to keep in mind.
  • If you’re using Acrobat 8 or an Adobe Creative Suite 2 component to access Version Cue CS3-managed files, the files must be part of a Version Cue CS2-compatible project. You can specify that a Version Cue CS3 project is Version Cue CS2-compatible when you create it. (You cannot specify that a project is Version Cue CS2-compatible after you create it.)

    Note: Projects migrated from Version Cue CS2 to Version Cue CS3 remain compatible with Acrobat 8 and Adobe Creative Suite 2 components.
  • Acrobat 8 and Adobe Creative Suite 2 components can’t connect to a Version Cue CS3 Server if you enable SSL in Version Cue Server Administration.

  • Adobe Creative Suite 2 components can’t work with Version Cue CS3 servers that are installed on the same computer. Adobe Creative Suite 2 components can, however, connect to Version Cue CS3 Servers that reside on the network.

  • The Version Cue CS2 Workspace and the Version Cue CS3 Server can be installed and function on the same computer simultaneously (and must be installed on the same computer if you want to migrate projects from Version Cue CS2 to Version Cue CS3).

  • If a Version Cue CS2 Workspace and a Version Cue CS3 Server are installed on the same computer, Adobe Creative Suite 2 components work only with the Version Cue CS2 Workspace, because they can communicate only with the port that the Version Cue CS2 Workspace uses.

  • Version Cue CS3 doesn’t support alternates; however, Adobe Creative Suite 2 components can work with alternates in Version Cue CS2-compatible projects on a Version Cue CS3 Server. Adobe Creative Suite 3 components cannot access alternates in a Version Cue CS2-compatible project on a Version Cue CS3 Server.

For help using Acrobat 8 with Version Cue CS2, see “Using Version Cue” in Acrobat 8 Help. For help using Adobe Creative Suite 2 components with Version Cue CS2, see Version Cue CS2 Help.