After you locate a PDF review, you can open it, view or delete review comments, edit review settings, stop or restart a review, or delete the review from the Version Cue Server.
If you don’t know the name of the PDF document under review, or want to view all active reviews, click Active Reviews in the Home tab.
If you don’t know the name of the PDF document for which a review has been completed, or want to view all completed reviews, click Finished Reviews in the Home tab.
If you want to search for a PDF document that is under review or for which a review has been completed, click Search Documents in the Home tab, and choose search criteria from the Project Name, Review Status, and List Entries menus. To find a PDF document by its name, enter the name or part of it in the Document Name field. Click Search.
When you delete a review, Version Cue permanently removes the review comments. However, review comments for a PDF file are also deleted if you permanently delete the file itself from the Version Cue Server. Note that if you delete only a version of a PDF file from the server, the review comments for that version are deleted.
To set or change an end date for the review, select Deadline, and then choose the end date from the Year, Month, and Day menus.
To let reviewers see each other’s comments, select Open under Review Mode. Select Private if you want reviewers to see only their own comments.
To add or edit a description of the review, type the information in the Description text box.
To add or remove reviewers, select or deselect the reviewers’ names in the Reviewers section (click the check box next to the Reviewers column heading to select or deselect all reviewers).
To display only PDF documents in a specific project, choose that project from the Project menu.
To limit the number of documents displayed, choose an option from the List Entries menu (use the arrows to the right of the List Entries menu to view additional files).
To limit the list according to document name, enter part of a document name in the Document Name field and press Enter (Windows) or Return (Mac OS). (To view all files again, delete the text in the Document Name field and press Enter or Return.)
To sort the list by the entries in a column, click the column heading. (Click the heading again to reverse the sort order.)