The Filter Gallery provides a preview of
many of the special effects filters. You can apply multiple filters,
turn on or off the effect of a filter, reset options for a filter, and
change the order in which filters are applied. When you are satisfied
with the preview, you can then apply it to your image. Not all filters
in the Filter menu are available in the Filter Gallery.
View full size graphic
Filter Gallery dialog box
- A.
- Preview
- B.
- Filter
- C.
- Thumbnail of selected
- D.
- Show/Hide filter thumbnails
- E.
- Filters
pop‑up menu
- F.
- Options for selected
- G.
- List of filter effects
to apply or arrange
- H.
- Filter
effect selected but not applied
- I.
- Filter
effects applied cumulatively but not selected
- J.
- Hidden
filter effect
Choose Filter > Filter
Gallery. Clicking a filter category name displays thumbnails of
available filter effects.
Click the + or – button under the
preview area, or choose a zoom percentage.
Drag in the preview area with the
Hand tool
Click the Show/Hide button
the top of the gallery